A stray cat introduces her lovely cubs to a kindhearted human

In the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone is struggling to fend While a lot of people are currently struggling to fend for themselves, let alone take care of animals as many people are losing jobs because of the pandemic, but some just can’t turn away from an animal in need.

Shea Prior – a woman from New Jersey, USA spotted a stray cat wandering around in her yard a couple of months ago. With her kindness and patience, she approached the stray. It took some time to persuade the cat that she was not a threat and that she could get close enough for Prior Prior to feed and pet her. And she finally gained the cat’s trust, after a few days of their new feeding routine, Prior realized the cat was producing milk and had kittens somewhere close by.

“I was petting her and went to pick her up and that’s when I realized she had milk in and had been nursing some babies,” said Prior. She was excited about her acknowledgment and wanted to help out with the kittens, so she figured she’d just ask the cat to show her family to her.

Prior started asking the mama cat to show her the babies and saying she was sure they are very pretty.

“I started telling her to show me to her babies, and that I bet her babies were so pretty.” It seems that her words made mama cat feel reliable, and she led Prior to her babies the next day.

She came running up to me and rubbed on my leg while making her little croaking noise she does,” Prior said. Mother cat took Prior by her shed, laid down on her side and started calling her adorable babies to come out and meet the woman.

The kittens were beware of Prior at first, but after some assurance from their mother, they emerged from their hiding place.“One of the little gray ones was super brave and came up to me with his little pointy tail held up high in the air and let me pet him immediately,” Prior said. “Eventually, after about 10 to 15 minutes, they had all come up to me and let me hold them and pet them.

She knew immediately she wanted to help the adorable family and took them all in. “I will be adopting mama cat to live with me and my other two sweet girlies! All the babies have found homes and will be adopted as soon as mama is ok with it. But for now, everyone is doing great,” she said and added that she started a crowd-funding page to help take care of the cat family. “I started a GoFundMe for vet bills to get mama spayed, and get babies checked out".

Prior adopted the mama cat and said two of the babies are staying with her as well. All of the other kittens will be also adopted when they are a little older and need less care from their mother.

Gaining someone’s trust is the best achievement one can have, especially if that person has never given the trust to anyone. For animals, it can be easier, or even harder since they don’t communicate the way we do, but once they realize our good intentions, they will definitely repay it back!

What a great story!

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