Two adorable dogs with severe facial deformities become inseparable best friends

Two dogs with severe facial deformities have become inseparable best friends.

Liesl Wilhardt, 53, founder and director of Lovable Dog Rescue, has shared a glimpse into the unbreakable friendship of two dogs, Picasso, and Newt.

Both pooches have severe facial deformities, but still lead happy lives on 55 acres of land at their home in Oregon, US.

Liesl adopted Picasso in 2017 after his brother suddenly died and later adopted Newt in 2021, and before long the two became inseparable.

Picasso, five, was born with a twisted snout, while one-year-old Newt suffered an injury from his mother biting him that left him with no upper jaw.

Despite daily challenges as a result of their deformities and Newt’s medical issues, the pair now lead very happy lives.

Liesl said: “It was a miracle that Picasso survived being a baby, because it would have been very hard for him to even nurse from his mom.

“Newt has had many more challenges, surprisingly the bigger challenges not being caused by his lack of upper jaw.

“Both Picasso and Newt adore people, so in public they are very outgoing and seek attention and love to greet people.

“Most people do immediate double takes and then stare at the dogs for a while, trying to make sense of what they are seeing.

“They are not in any pain; they have adapted to their physical challenges and do almost everything they want to do.

“Picasso loved Newt from the beginning because Newt loves to play and wrestle and is so good natured.

“This friendship has deepened as Newt matured.

“I absolutely love Picasso and Newt with all my heart, they are both incredibly loving, happy, intelligent, and funny dogs.”

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